Company Newsletter
Quarter 3 | 2022
TOP 5: Updates from Q3
1. downtown moorhead development

2. rpm turnover recap

Here’s a recap from Fargo RPM General Manager, Lindsey O’Driscoll regarding how this year’s turnover went!
“We had a successful turnover 2022. We turned a total of 85 units and our team kicked butt by working together to complete our maintenance, cleaning, painting, carpet cleaning and moving them all in within 48 hours. We could not have done it from the extra hands of all our internal staff that volunteered to help. We had very happy residents and parents as they moved in and we are looking for forward to a successful 2022-2023 leasing year!”
3. honduras crew joins the team
This quarter, Roers welcomed some help from Honduras to the construction team! RCC and the property management team worked together to get housing set up and Property Ambassador, Alicia Sandoval-Del Rio, assisted with translating.
These guys have been a great addition to the Roers team and we are excited to continue to work with them going into this next quarter.

4. ywca lantern lights project awarded

This project is the renovation of an existing facility into a 23-unit affordable, supportive housing facility. The project also includes office and meeting spaces, a parking lot expansion, and a new storm water system.
Serving over 300 individuals each day, the YWCA goes through a lot of paper products, cleaning supplies, hygiene items, new bras and underwear, household items, and more. You can help them provide for families in need with this quick and easy option!
You can select YWCA Cass Clay as your favorite charity on and Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases every time you shop.
You can read about this project on our site HERE.
5. medora elevator goes live
The Medora experience is something that is meant to be enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities. Access Medora is an ongoing initiative to improve accessibility all over Medora. Our greatest opportunity to make an impact is at the Burning Hills Amphitheatre, where we constructed a high-capacity elevator that can transport guests who are in need of extra assistance, instead of being shuttled up and down the winding walking path. This option is going to make their experience fast, safe, and efficient. The Roers team worked hard to complete this project by this summer of 2022, so that guests were able to have an even better experience at the Medora Amphitheatre.
Read about the project and view photos HERE.


Scroll down to see this quarter’s winners!
Don’t forget to check out the 2021 Annual Award Winners and Years of Service recognition!
Click here to go nominate someone for 2022 Annual Awards!

paid holidays
November 24th & 25th
December 23rd & 26th
annual award submissions due
November 15th
Fall/Winter clothing pop up
Shop the Winter apparel options available NOW through OCTOBER 21st!
**Allow 14-21 days for turnaround time.

Roers employees have the opportunity to refer a potential employee in return for $500, depending on how long they work at Roers. To make a referral, please complete this form and return it, along with a copy of the prospective candidate’s resume, application, or both, to the Human Resources department.
You are eligible for a referral award only when you refer external candidates.
A list of current open positions can be found here.
in the community

wellness committee
The purpose of the Wellness Committee at Roers is to provide our employees education, activities and events related to their personal wellness. The committee focuses efforts on physical, mental and emotional health. Some of the areas of focus include: on-going wellness initiatives, disease prevention, substance usage, weight management, and stress related causes and outcomes. More information on 2023 coming soon!

Roers is proud to be an active part of the communities in which our employees live and work. We believe in building success and strive to make the community and our company competitive and vibrant through giving back monetarily and volunteering. To complete the Roers Charitable Giving Donation Request form, click here.

Safety Snippet
Safety Manager, Mack Buck, is going to keep you all informed on what’s happening in the field safety wise here!
Click HERE for the new segment!
employee spotlight
new hires

Karen Tovar Serrano
administrative assistant
Michael Miller
PT Shop mechanic
Jesse Stone

Jason Creager
Property Management
years of service

Shelby Barta
Property Management
5 years with roers

Samantha Foell
5 years with roers

Allan Kochmann
5 years with roers

Brian Bjerklie
15 years with roers

Mack Buck
safety manager

Riley Utke
Project manager
Employee interview

Dustin Fischer
Project Manager
get to know him:
1. Introduce yourself (Name, Title, and Length of Time with Roers):
-Dustin Fischer, Project Manager, I have been with Roers for 3 years.
2. What does a day in your role entail?
-Generally, my day starts out with a quick talk about safety and what the plan for the day is. If we have multiple jobs going at the same time I make my rounds early in the morning to make sure everyone is on task. From there I pick a site that needs an extra hand and do what I can do to help out, well at least until the phone rings.
3. What is your favorite core value and why?
-I’d have to say Opportunity. Since I’ve started at Roers the opportunities have been endless. If you’re willing to work hard and put the time in, more opportunities always present themselves.
4. What is a fun fact about you outside of work?
-One fun fact is that I challenged myself to go camping at least 6 times this year, and I’m proud to say that labor day will be the 6th time for the summer, and I’m hoping to get one more trip in.
5. Last but not least, what is your favorite part of your position or working for Roers?
-I would have to say the challenge. Everyday and every phone call there are new challenges. it could be anything from a warranty issue on a prior project or another superintendent needing a few guys sent their way to rally and help out. The best part is having the TEAM needed to tackle any of these challenges that come our way during the day.
Q3 peer recognition award winners

Mack Buck
Safety Manager
Mack has done a wonderful job jumping into the Safety Manager roll. You can tell he is passionate about the safety of all Roers employees. He is willing to listen to plans and ideas, and is thinking of new strategies to make people more involved. He truly seems to want to do what is best for the company, is a team player and is dedicated to the team. As he has spent more time in the office, its been great to watch him take the opportunity to learn as much as he can about this new position and he is always respectful to those around him. It will be exciting to see where he is going to take safety in the future with Roers!

Alicia Sandoval-Del Rio
property ambassador
Alicia was instrumental in assisting RCC when the H2B employees arrived from Honduras. She shows core values of partnership and expertise with her bilingual ability and willingness to travel on a couple occasions to Minneapolis to pick them up, help with their apartments, make phone calls to Honduras before they came, going to the social security office, and just being a good partner in crime through it all. It was great not only working with her, but also getting to know her better. She will be a star in whatever she does in the future!

Samantha Foell
administrative assistant
Sammy always does a great job on taking on projects and helping multiple team members/departments when needed. She manages her time to be effective and productive. She is willing to help cover wherever needed and does a lot of tasks that help alleviate the tasks on others plates. She always has a smiling face and a kind work to greet people. Her friendly, positive attitude doesn’t go unnoticed and is a great first impression for Roers to have.

Jeff Ekeren
construction laborer
Jeff is a notable safe employee. He follows the rules and understands shy they are in place. He’s not too proud to assess the risks and complete the task with the safest approach. When he’s operating equipment, the crew trusts him. Fear isn’t present when he’s at the controls, because the team knows he’s got their safety in mind.
ring the bell
If you heard some cow bell ringing lately, it is because of the celebration of new business roers has recently been awarded.
MN national guard
Moorhead, MN
newman townhomes
Fargo, ND
Metro reinvent
Fargo, ND
Dickinson Hockey Locker rooms
Dickinson, ND

Check out how our employees have been living out our core values at work!
believe all possibilities are endless.
do the right thing.
keep learning
providing premier service.
give back & give often.
trust that long-term relationships matter.
Coming soon!
Check out the fun and exciting things our employees feel like bragging about from this quarter!
Here is an opportunity to share something you are excited about happening outside of work.
New baby?
Kids sports team win?
A fun action shot with friends?
New puppy?
Anything you feel like mentioning and bragging about, send it our way!