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Introducing Our New Safety Manager!

Promotion Mack

How long have you been with Roers?
7 years

What positions have you held?
Carpenter, Lead carpenter, and Safety Manager, As well as being on the safety committee for 3 1/2 years straight.

Why are you passionate about safety in the workplace?
Safety is what keeps us happy and healthy, it lets us go home at the end of the day. It saves us money, and it proves that we are all in this together.

What opportunities do you see to maintain and better our safety stats?
I’d like to collect and analyze the data available to help pilot a proactive safety culture. When everyone understands and respects hazards and can speak up to and educate the ones less knowledgeable, we can cultivate a plan to remain efficient as well as safe.

How did you become involved in Safety at Roers?
had a minor jobsite incident that was less than serious, involving a forklift, but still required some action. I was placed on the safety committee at that point to help educate me on safety in the work place. Well, it worked! I really did pay attention and changed my attitude about safety, 3 years later I won the annual Safety Champion award. 8 months after that I was promoted to Safety Manager.

What is your favorite part of working for Roers in general and in your role?
Roers really does feel like a family, but I have to say the field and the office are more like cousins rather than siblings. I get to work with the entire family and would like to bridge the gap better to bring us closer together than ever before.

Mack Buck

Safety Manager

We are all excited to welcome Mack into his new role with Roers and can’t wait to see where he takes safety with the company!