The Century View Apartments consists of 40 units of multifamily housing. Of the total 40 units, 32 are affordable and rented to those earning 60% or less of the area median income, and the remaining 8 units are market-rate and not subject to any income or rent restrictions. The property consists of 3 two-story apartment buildings and an ancillary community building with offices and a community room with a kitchen. Construction is wood-frame, slab-on-grade construction. Century View Apartments contains 8 one-bedroom units, 24 two-bedroom units, and 8 three-bedroom units. The property is general occupancy and be rented to qualifying families and individuals.
Century View Apartments
Bismarck, ND
Multi-Family Residential
3015 Nebraska Dr., Bismarck, ND
Delivery Method
General Contractor
Square Footage